Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Barbara Grünwald

Head of Experimental Urology. Research Group Leader: Translational Systems Biology

Heterogeneity in Solid Tumors

Harnessing tumoural heterogeneity for a better understanding of tumor biology and improvements in clinical practice

Welcome to the Urology Research Lab! We are a collaborative, diverse, and interdisciplinary team of scientists seeking to understand the biology of solid tumor tissues across urological, pancreatic, and lung cancer.

The notorious heterogeneity of tumors at the cellular and spatial level is not random noise but a fundamental basis on which solid tumor tissues operate. We therefore envision that a deep understanding of the foundations and consequences of tumor heterogeneity can and should inform clinical practice. Of particular interest to us are the different non-malignant components of solid tumors and how they self-organize to control tumor properties such as growth, invasion, and drug resistance. In close collaboration with our partners from the clinic, we strive to derive both mechanistic insights and develop clinically feasible tools to effectively navigate tumor heterogeneity in clinical decision making.

Prof. (apl) Dr.
Tibor Szarvas

Head of Uro-Oncology Group

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