Tumour Heterogeneity & Translational Systems Biology

We apply a systems biology approach to understand the molecular mechanisms that govern tumor spatial diversity and to provide actionable tools to clinically navigate this phenomenon. To this end, we often combine traditional methods such as histopathology with modern multimodal profiling setups, applied to human tissues and patient-derived disease models.

Below is a brief description of the current research priorities in the lab.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Barbara Grünwald

Head of Experimental Urology. Research Group Leader: Translational Systems Biology

Tissue self-organization in solid tumors

A major focus in the lab lies on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), which remains one of the most challenging cancers to treat. PDAC is a notoriously heterogeneous cancer type, characterized by a complex tumor microenvironment (TME) which has complicated mechanistic and preclinical studies for decades. This heterogeneity was long thought to be the result of random cell changes representative of global tumor disorganization. Based on our own findings and a growing body of evidence in the literature, we are convinced that heterogeneity in solid tumors is not at all random but a critical foundation of malignant tissue function and adaptive behavior. In fact, solid tumors exhibit a considerable level of functional self-organization that we have barely appreciated. For instance, in PDAC, we find distinct spatial programs that are vastly distinct from each other, yet, highly conserved between different patients and disease sites. Their intratumoral co-existence instigates massive spatial heterogeneity yet, this heterogeneity is a well-definable function of few, fundamental tissue organizational mechanisms. In other words, despite their famous heterogeneity, PDAC tissues facto self-organize into relatively few states of functional relevance. Ongoing efforts in the lab are to understand whether other solid tumor types (lung, kidney, bladder) also utilize such spatial self-organizational programs, what their organ-specific tumor relevant functions are, and how we can diagnostically access this information to aid clinical decision making.

Tissue self-organization in solid tumors

Drivers of tumoral heterogeneity: Tumor-TME-Interplay

Drivers of tumoral heterogeneity: Tumor-TME-Interplay

The heterogeneous cellular landscape of tumors provides a battery of unique habitats that influence cancer cell phenotypes and behavior, treatment response, as well as immune functions. Understanding the mechanisms that drive this fundamental property of tumor tissues is essential for developing more effective cancer treatments. We are pairing deep tissue profiling with self-organizing human model systems to identify and target the molecular pathways that shape major tissue states within the heterogenous tumor landscape. In addition to macroscopic organizational programs, we are exploring how the intimate interplay between specific malignant and non-malignant cell populations in the tumor shapes the emergence of clinically relevant epithelial tumor subtypes.

Ecosystem co-evolution in cancer initiation

At the earliest stages of tumor initiation, neoplastic cells not only have to acquire the relevant driver mutations but also must successfully interact with an ever-evolving microenvironment. In this interaction, loss of tissue organization is a key permissive event in malignant transformation. Thorough understanding of the tumor ecosystem during transformation, beyond targeted analysis of the malignant epithelium alone, can thus provide major mechanistic insight and open much-needed diagnostic opportunities for accurate and longitudinal risk assessment.

In pursuit of earlier diagnosis and effective secondary prevention strategies as key unmet needs to improve patient outcomes, we are addressing the mechanisms of ecosystem co-evolution in pancreatic cancer initiation.

Clinical heterogeneity to mechanisms

Heterogeneity-informed biomarkers

Multimodal Tissue Phenotyping

Human 3D model systems